What is the Desinchá story?

The Desinchá vision was always to help people lead healthier (and tastier) lives. Developed with the support of nutritionists and produced with selected ingredients of the highest quality, guaranteed to supply maximum flavor and ultimate health and weight loss benefits, we’re here to make health easy.

Why 60 tea bags?

A recent study by Jane Wardle of University College London, published in the European Journal of Social Psychology, states that in order to turn a new goal or activity into a habit, we need an average of 60 days. For Desinchá, this means 1 cup of tea per day for two months to experience its benefits and create long lasting change.


Is Desinchá's tea bag biodegradable?

Yes, Desinchá is committed to sustainable environmental efforts. When discarded in compost bins, the cellulosic fibres of the Desinchá tea bag decompose (approximately 75% of the paper). The remaining heat sealable fibres (maximum 25%) disintegrate in the environment.

Still have questions?

Contact our team using the e-mail sales@desincha.ca, and we’ll get back to you before the kettle has boiled.